Electrical installations: Extra-Low Voltage D.C. Power Supplies and Service Earthing within Telecommunications Networks


The Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EL-001, Wiring Rules, to supersede AS/NZS 3015 -2004.

The objective of this Standard document is to establish safety requirements, consistent with maintaining continuity of essential supply, for the installation of extra-low voltage (ELV) power supplies in restricted access locations of telecommunications networks.

This Standard document applies to the installation of ELV D.C. power supplies in restricted access locations of public telecommunications networks, e.g. telephone exchanges, telecommunications transmission sites and pair gain systems, wireless sites, street cabinets and pole-mounted infrastructure.

Application of the requirements should ensure that the installation is safe and that continuity of the ELV D.C. supply is maintained at all times so that telecommunications services are available to agencies such as the police, fire brigades, hospitals and ambulance authorities.

Major changes to AS/NZS 3015 2022:

  • Previously this document applied to public telecommunications networks, but now applies to all telecommunications networks.
  • The demarcation points between Standards when used in telecommunications infrastructure are defined. The inclusion of street cabinets and pole-mounted infrastructure.
  • Electrical energy source classifications are defined. Guidance on the co-location of ELV and LV power.