Jim Bishop

Floor Heating Repair

Holds a TAFE Certificate in Electronics and a Biological (Forensic) Sciences Certificate.

Following an electrical apprenticeship in WA Railways, moved to the Australian Government Printing Office in 1972 and then to the Australian National University as a technical officer.

This included developing research equipment for researchers and PhD students in the Physical Sciences Department.

Moved to the ANU Zoology Department developing equipment for field research.

During this time spent 3 months working at the University of Oxford, Zoological Department, England.

Due to government cutbacks in 1984 moved to the private sector as a domestic electrician, focussing on floor heating.

Developed floor heating test equipment over the past 30 years to assist in locating floor heating failures.

2014 invited to Elektra Floor Heating in Warsaw, Poland to demonstrate new fault finding equipment for floor heating cables.

Invited to present a paper on Locating Floor Heating Failures using an Infrared Camera at FLIR “Inframation” 2018,
Austin Texas.

Presented a Paper at DTEC2022 “Lightning Induced Failures in Floor Heating”.

Currently field testing new lightweight equipment for locating floor heating failures.

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