Lightning Damage to In-Floor Heating Systems: A Case Study

Lightning (A)

This presentation is a follow-on from a paper entitled “Lightning Induced Damage in Floor Heating Cables” by Bishop & D’Alessandro, presented at DTEC 2022. In that paper, it was shown that modern electric floor heating systems installed under tiles and carpet, and within the concrete base of a floor, are being damaged due to a nearby lightning strike in the area. Suggested mechanisms for the damage were proposed as well as possible solutions for mitigating this increasing and costly problem.

In the presentation to be delivered, a case study of a house in Adelaide, Australia, is described. This property has been equipped with “smart” surge protection devices (SPDs), i.e., with in-built Bluetooth communications (as presented by D’Alessandro at DTEC 2022, “Smart SPDs: The Future of Surge Protection”). Photos of the damage incurred, information provided by these SPDs, and numerous measurements of the electrical system at the house will be presented. Furthermore, the results of computer modelling to explain the lightning damage mechanism(s) will also be described and discussed.

The overall aim of the presentation is to describe the most effective mitigation solution for the ongoing problems being uncovered with in-floor heating systems in lightning-prone areas.